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new semester is coming
Wednesday, January 6, 2016 | Wednesday, January 06, 2016 | 0 comments

hi gais, so how are you? how was your day? lama jugak lah tak update blog disebabkan busy gila nak mateyyyyy! and kadang-kadang tu sampai lupa aku ada blog ke? kah! okayh, i really enjoy my sem break at house. kadang-kadang tu ade lah jugak lepak dengan kawan lama sangat tak jumpa kan. so cuti sem cuma 3 minggu like seriously? orang lain cuti sampai 3 bulan -_- but nevermind, lelama kat sini pun bosan jugak en? tahu tak ade satu perasaan yang buat kita takut nak mampos. sebab ape? EXAM RESULT lah ape lagi en? ahahahaha mampos! k dah taknak cita memang stress kalau dipikirkan tak guna betul. so this new year of 2016 i wanna wish you gais happy new year lah kan (like i care new year ke tak) kah!
hopefully this new year will bring me joy and lots of happiness in me, being more matured and tolerance to people and thankyou sem 4 a few days will come for bring me a lot of stressful love you muahh!

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